Monday, April 4, 2011

Cute Bunny Mask

My kids were so pumped from our last project that they wanted to do more crafts this weekend. So to keep up with the demand I decided to continue my Easter theme projects with an Easter bunny mask. My kids thought that was a great idea and it opened up a whole new opportunity for them to play make believe. Check out the list below for supplies needed.....

  1. Scissors
  2. Crayons, Markers, or Paint in (various colors)
  3. Construction paper in (various colors)
  4. Ribbon or string in (various colors)
  5. Glue (Elmer's or stick)
  6. Tape
  7. Plain White Paper Plates
  8. Pipe Cleaners

    Step 1: Cut your paper plates in have and cut an upward curve in one half to accommodate your child's nose. Then cut out two eyes and two small holes on either side of the mask. Be sure to try the mask your child's face to place the eyes in the right spot so your little one can see. Please see photo below.

    Step 2: Color or paint the mask however your little artist's heart desires. I chose to use crayons because it seemed less messy.

    Step 3: Using construction paper cut out bunny ear shapes in whatever color you wish and color in the center part of the ear. Remember let your little one cut out whatever shape they want this is a great project to let their creative minds work.

    Step 4: Glue the ear shapes to the top of your mask using tape to reinforce the glue until it dries. I only suggest this because I know how excited kids can get when they make something and want to try it on right away and the tape will allow them to do that with out ruining their hard work.

    Step 5: Next cut out medium sized circles for the cheeks and poke four holes in them for the pipe cleaners.

    Step 6: Next choose the color pipe cleaners you want making sure to pick four pipe cleaners. Then bend them in half and put them through the holes of the oval shape you cut out for your bunnies whiskers.

    Step 7: Glue then tape your checks on either side of your mask.

    Step 8: Next cut a triangle out for the nose of your bunny and glue it right between the eye holes.

    Step 9: Lastly cut an tie ribbon on either side of the mask. Making sure the string or ribbon is long enough o tie around your child's head.

    There you have it a cute bunny mask for your children to wear. My youngest one loved it so much he ask to wear it to school the next day. Cutest thing I have ever seen. He started my day off with a smile and I am sure he was the hit of his class. Sometimes the simplest things are the best things. So go ahead and hop to it. Enjoy and Hoppy Crafting.

    1 comment:

    1. OMG, these are just adorable. They look so easy, and I have all these materials in my classroom. I now have a fun craft for my Kindergartners this week. Keep em coming!!! I will be sharing this site with all my friends and co-workers.
